Mark Robinson Wins North Carolina’s Republican Primary For Governor



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Mark Robinson won the North Carolina Republican primary for governor on Tuesday night.

Robinson has a reputation for not holding back in explaining his views and conservative politics.

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Mark Robinson for Governor 2024

North Carolina’s News & Observer reports the following:

“North Carolina will have a new governor in 2025, and voters chose on Tuesday who they want as the Democratic, Republican, and Libertarian candidates on the general election ballot this fall.”

“Robinson said in his victory speech Tuesday night at Greensboro’s Koury Convention Center ballroom that he was ‘able to withstand withering attacks from our opponents, all of which were baseless,” the report noted.

“He told a story familiar by now: he was the ninth of 10 children who grew up in an ‘extremely poor’ home. But his mother chose work, not welfare. ‘I’m standing on her shoulders right this moment.”

“I stand on the shoulders of my mother and all of those who came before me,” Robinson added.

Donald Trump endorsed Robinson for governor at a rally in Greensboro on Saturday.

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Endorsed by Trump: ‘Incredible Gentleman’

Trump endorsed a number of North Carolina Republicans on Saturday but heaped extra praise on Robinson.

The Associated Press reported Sunday:

“Trump called Robinson, who also spoke at Saturday’s rally, an ‘incredible gentleman’ and ‘great, natural speaker.’ Trump recalled, with some imprecision, how Robinson rose to fame following a 2018 speech to the Greensboro City Council in support of gun rights and police that went viral.”

“That led Robinson to a National Rifle Association board position and being elected the state’s first Black lieutenant governor in 2020 in his first bid for public office.”

The Observer noted, “Robinson is North Carolina’s first Black lieutenant governor, winning in 2020 the first time he ran for any office.”

“Robinson represents the MAGA wing of the Republican Party, and like Trump, often makes disparaging comments about other people — in Robinson’s case, including transgender people, teachers, and school shooting survivors.”

But Robinson’s defenders have said his critics have taken some of those comments out of context.

One thing is for sure – it’s going to be a lively year in North Carolina.

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is a professional writer and editor with over 15 years of experience in conservative media and Republican politics. He… More about John Hanson

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